In their impeccably designed paper boxes redolent with anise, the three Giannatsis Ouzo labels, are wrapped in paper reminiscent of old newspapers and firmly tied with string so that their precious contents can withstand their long journey to their lucky new owners who, on opening each “magic” box find each label’s gifted character revealed before their eyes.
Gift box that conatins 3 different Ouzo labels X 200ml each:
1) Light and pleasant to taste, Ouzo Giannatsis 40 Vol, with the distinctive flavour of anise, a touch of mastic, and flower, is the company’s everyday ouzo.
2)Produced by 100% distillation Ouzo Giannatsis 42 Vol, combines measured the Lisvori (mountain village of Lesvos island) anise taste with a rich palette of earthy flavors and starch reminding one of those special summer moments.
3)Finally, Ouzo Giannatsis 45 Vol (by 100% distillation), the traditional recipe of Dimitris Giannatsis. A product of exceptional quality, perfectly balanced in flavor, sweet without sugar or other sweeteners, naturally flavoured with fragrant herbs – blessed by the land of Lesvos.